

If you’re pregnant you can sign up by Kraamzorg Het Maantje on our website. Would you like to speak some of us first? Of course that is possible, you can call us! When you’re registered we will send you the maternity care agreement in 3 days by email.  


Before the 30th week of your pregnancy you will get an intake (at home) by one of our employees. Because they’re also nurse, they’re able to explain very well what’s involved and what you can expect from our maternity care. It’s also a moment where you can share your wishes about maternity care which we mention in your digital care file. So when the baby is coming and you need us, we know your personal situation and we will take account of this. In this way, we not just select a nurse by availability, we will also find the best care you need. 


Pregnancy timeline

By the 6th week of your pregnancy, your baby (also known as embryo), is about 15 mm in size and is becoming a little human.  

From 8 weeks your baby is no longer an embryo but a fetus and is about 4 cm. The fetus is floating in amniotic fluid and is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord. The babys muscles are already working now and can make little movements. Furthermore the fingers are formed in this stage. 

By 10 weeks your baby is about 4,5 cm and weighs 5 grams. The organs are ready to grow. The little tail will change in legs and also the skin starts to develop. Even the preparation for the first teeth begins. 

In the 11th week you can hear your baby’s heartbeat.  

Within 3 months your baby is about 8 cm and weighs around 28 grams. Meanwhile your baby is creating her/his own blood cells. With the stronger muscles the baby is able to kick, squeeze the hands, turn the head and move in your stomach.

You’re pregnant for 4 months and your baby is about 15 cm and 125 grams. Now it’s possible to know the sex of your baby because the genitals are developed. It’s visible on the echo/ultrasound.  

By 5 months your baby is about 23 cm and 380 grams. The brains are developed which means perception of stimuli is possible.They react to sound, physical exertion of the mother and light (even the eyes are still closed).  

From 28 weeks of pregnancy your baby is viable, even outside the mothers body.  

At 6 months your baby is about 35 cm and 720 grams. The nostrils are open and the baby is practising breathing. Therefore the baby swallows amniotic fluid sometimes which results in hiccups. The mother can feel that as very little shocks. 
In this stage the baby can hear the world outside and relax by the voices and music you are playing.  

By 7 months your baby is about 38 cm and 1300 grams. He or she is moving constantly and the head is moving down for the position for the delivery. By swallowing the amniotic fluid the digestive tract will be practised.  

Within months your baby is about 40 cm and 2500 grams. The colour of the skin is changing from blood red to soft pink because of the fatty layer the baby has formed. The position of the head is continuously down.  

Now you’re pregnant for 9 months and the baby is ready to be born.  

Pregnancy complaints

Throughout pregnancy there are a few complaints that are common to have. Most of these complaints are caused by hormonal changes, such as an increase in estrogen. Anatomical changes can also cause certain complaints, such as of the increasing growing uterus. Always discuss with your midwife and/of general practitioner what you are experiencing. 

Please note that not everyone has one or more of these complaints. It could possibly be that you do not experience any problems at all. 

Pregnancy complaints may be:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Vaginal spotting
  • Breast sensitivity
  • Fatigue and sleepiness
  • Abdomen pain
  • Headache
  • Frequent urination
  • Mood swings
  • Dizziness
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Constipation
  • Swollen feet
  • Gastric acid/ Heartburn
  • Back problems
  • Pelvic complaints 
  • Muscle cramps 
  • Dental problems
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anemia
  • Pigment spots
  • Hard stomachs
  • Striae
  • Itchiness
  • Varicose veins

Mothers for Mothers

Mothers for Mothers is an organisation whose aim is women with fertility problems. They gather urine of other pregnant women because the hormone HCG is in it. This hormone can be used by the production of pharmaceuticals for fertility treatment.  

You can register from the moment you know that you’re pregnant and participating is possible from the 6th week until the 17th week of your pregnancy.


For more information and register visit or call 088 – 278 0000


The expected date of delivery (EDD) is the predicted date when the fetus is fully grown to a human baby and the mother’s body is ready for the delivery. This date is determined by your midwife or general practitioner.


Most births are currently taking place in a hospital. If you start with the delivery before the 37th week of your pregnancy you’re too early and in that case you always deliver in a hospital. It also applies after 42 weeks of pregnancy.


Between the 37th and 42th week it’s possible to deliver at home. Of course you may choose for a hospital delivery. You can ask your midwife what applies to you.


In a hospital delivery you are monitored by your midwife, clinical midwife, doctor’s assistant and/or gynaecologist. At home you are accompanied by your midwife and one of our maternity care nurses.


Signs of beginning labor could be:

– Hard stomach and for contractions.

– Breaking water or rupture of membrane.

– Lightly vaginal loss of slimy blood.


Active labor begin:

– You have regularly contractions which can take a long while, with short intervals (every 3-4 minutes) for at least an hour.


Please contact your midwife or treating physician when active labor begins. Did you choose to deliver at home? Then your midwife will tell you when you can call us.


Delivery line 088-795 00 69 (option 2)

You can call the delivery line in the follow situations:

– If there’re signs of beginning labor. (So we can take into account a maternity care nurse for you).

– By hospitalisation.

– After the delivery, so we can ask you about the birth, the baby and possible discharge from the hospital.

– If you’re on your way home, so we can call our nurse and ask her to come to you.


Please note: only call in the night in case of an emergency (for example, you deliver at home and you’re immediately in need of a maternity care nurse).